Europa universalis 4 ottoman guide
Europa universalis 4 ottoman guide

Getting an ally helps tremendously in the early Aegean theater - Sicily is probably the best fit with its lack of Aegean ambition, proximity and naval capabilities.

europa universalis 4 ottoman guide

So don't encourage revolts unless you are sure they will not be found out.Īddendum: commonly-seen foreign powers in the Aegean region whose strength you can usually ignore with a large enough fleet (like 10+ carracks) - Milan, Naples, Aquileia, Provence, Sicily, Savoy, Papal State, Italian minors. Note: Discovered spies provoke people into attacking you. Immediately buy them off it's impossible to beat them early on. Problem is, then they'll be bordering you. In 5.1, they're much more dangerous and will sometimes completely wipe out the Ottomans.

  • In 5.0, the Timurids will usually fall apart quickly.
  • Most are too distant and (aside from England) lacking in naval power to do you much harm.
  • While you certainly shouldn't pick a fight with any of the majors, once you've gotten six or eight provinces, it's not the end of the world if one joins an enemy alliance.
  • Be careful, though, as taking it will give you a border with the Timurids, who you should concede defeat to or pay tribute to.
  • Trebizond is usually alone except for an alliance with Georgia, which tends to get dogpiled by the hordes.
  • If France's navy gets destroyed by England, you can swoop in and peace out once you've taken Cyprus.
  • Cyprus is usually only guaranteed by France.
  • Knights sometimes ally with Wallachia so provoking Wallachia into a war might yield territorial benefits.
  • Remember that if you simultaneously attack a vassal and its master in separate wars, you can annex the vassal immediately without having to negotiate with the master.

    europa universalis 4 ottoman guide

  • Venice may get hammered, and so always check for targets in the form of independent Naxos/Albania/Corfu/Crete/Athens.
  • If you declare war on Epirus immediately after they do, you can get to Epirus first and win the siege.
  • Naples usually invades Epirus at the beginning.
  • They have small armies, smaller navies, and rarely have allies aside from each other and landlocked Arabian countries that can't reach you.
  • The Turkish minors (Karaman, Candar, Adana, Dulkadir) are the best options at the start of the game.
  • Some are listed below (on Normal/Normal): So you have to be opportunistic and always be on the lookout for potential expansion points. No, the problem is the fact that expansion is super hard due to the fact that all the normal avenues of expansion are crawling with cascading alliances which are pretty much unbeatable. That's not the problem though since the Ottomans are disinclined to eat you up unless you are really asking for it. Your starting position is just as bad as in Heir To The Throne, and the Ottomans have gotten a much better position.
  • 2.3 Crushing the Ottomans with a 1399 start.
  • europa universalis 4 ottoman guide

  • 2.1 More Detailed Early Game Walkthrough.

  • Europa universalis 4 ottoman guide